February 2007.
My baby runs around like a maniac! I have no time for taking pictures,
let alone make little webpages for him! The good news is that not having time
to eat means I'm slimming down - just a bit. Not as much as this page is
slimmed down, though.
February 21.
Such a serious baby. He likes standing on the furniture.
He likes climbing on the furniture. He likes climbing off the furniture.
He likes climbing up and down, on and off the furniture.
February 21.
He will, sometimes, if the moon is in the right position
and all gravitational forces are in alignment, sit quietly and play by himself.
Mostly though, if he's quiet, I know he's up to something.
February 23.
He found the Red Lobster necklace. And figured out how to
put it on (and off) all by himself. I was very proud of him. He was very
proud of himself. All in all, a triumphant day.
February 24.
I mentioned his habit of climbing the furniture? He likes
this chair and the one in his room because they can rock violently, giving
him a fun ride. And he does all his own stunts.
February 25.
He had just been doing something cute. But then while I got
the camera out and ready, he decided to live dangerously on the edge of the