
Paintings by Crystal De Napoli

Oils on Canvas

Just a note: these are all pictures I took of the paintings on a digital camera and then stuck into Photoshop in order to crop. Some of the colors have come out a little wonky or the picture may be too dark/light in areas. This has to do with my lack of Digital Camera usage, and hopefully can be overlooked.

Individual Paintings:

Sets: Enantiomers: (Set of Two, Summer 2004)

Set of Two Rooms

There Goes the Neighborhood: (Set of Six, Summer 2004) (yes, the crop job on this one sucks because there was no way to get it all to work with me. deal.)

Yes, This is on my wall, so I didn't crop it.

If you would like to contact me, buy a painting, tell me my art sucks, whatever: you can Email me at