All About Me

Aren't You Excited?

So, about me... well, I'm a 24-year-old college student working on a BS in Biology, then going to Med School. Any money made on this site will be saved to pay for Med School tuition. I have some free time at home, but I work some grave shifts (until school starts again this quarter) and have lots of free time to make stuff there. Most of the plush stuff is made of felt, some regular fabric, with stuffing. Everything is handmade, by me, and I'm a perfectionist. I live with geeks, so most technical stuff is done by them. Except this webpage. That's all me.

I live on the Central Coast of California, so all shipping is from there. I will be using the USPS, as it is cheap. All shipping costs will be included in the item price, so no need for crazy math!

The shopping cart is thru Paypal, which is all I've got at the moment. You can sign up at if you don't have an account already. I've found them most helpful. If you would rather send a check, contact me first and it can be done.

If you would like to contact me:
  • Or my Voice Mail Box: (805) 546-1471

  • Please do not spam me, I will stalk you.

My Cute Kitty Zort
Another Kitty Pic
On this page you will also see the other reason I do these things. I like to keep the kitties in cat food. They are way too cute for their own good. The one above is Zort; he's a freak. He's the jumper, climber, all around monkey. With him below is Gaz. She's a sleeper. Yeah, that's about it. Sometimes they like to sleep in piles. Sometimes, they chase each other around the house. Either way, they are the cutest little things (like 10 lbs little) ever.
Zort and Gaz
Cat Pile

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